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Międzynarodowy Program Menedżerski w dziale Produkcji

Augustów, Poland

Contract Type Fixed Term
Career Level Graduate
Function Operations
Salary Range Competitive salary
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Why Graduates Programme? Overview

Why Graduates Programme?

Our Global Graduate programme’s mission is to develop the future leaders of BAT. The 18-month rotational programme is structured to grow essential business and leadership skills through world class learning, international exposure and a job role where graduates can contribute from day one. Our Global Graduate community come together for a two-week Graduate Academy (one week in London) for a deep dive into BAT where they connect with fellow Graduates and senior colleagues from across the globe.

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Why BAT?

At BAT, we’re committed to more than just jobs, we’re dedicated to purposeful careers - It's one of the many reasons we have been named as a Global Top Employer for the eighth consecutive year.

We believe that Leadership shouldn’t be confined to titles. It’s a mindset and through our leading Learning and Development programmes, you’ll continuously develop your skills and experience. With our unwavering support, you’ll work in cross functional teams connecting with industry leaders and expanding your professional network.

Join us at BAT, where purpose meets possibility, and your career story unfolds.

A Better Tomorrow

Building a Smokeless World is no small feat—it’s fueled by the collective efforts of talented individuals, each bringing their unique perspective. This is the most innovative chapter in BAT’s history, and you can help shape it.

Strategy and Purpose Brand and Innovation

Międzynarodowy Program Menedżerski w dziale Produkcji

BAT is evolving at pace into a global multi-category business. We are on a mission to decrease the health impact of our industry.
To achieve our ambition, we are looking for colleagues who are ready to Be The Change. Come, join us on this journey!

Międzynarodowy Program Menedżerski w Dziale Produkcji

To intensywny, trwający do 24 miesięcy program menedżerski, stworzony specjalnie dla osób o wysokim potencjale, które chcą rozwijać się w obszarze produkcji w międzynarodowej organizacji.

Twoje obowiązki:
• Program trwa do 24 miesięcy i jest skierowany do osób, które pragną rozwijać swoje umiejętności w obszarze produkcji i zarządzania.
• Będziesz uczestniczyć w rotacjach w różnych obszarach Działu Produkcji, zdobywając cenne doświadczenie w zarządzaniu procesami produkcyjnymi, optymalizacji wydajności oraz wdrażaniu innowacyjnych rozwiązań w produkcji.
• Program oferuje możliwość prowadzenia samodzielnych projektów i rozwijania umiejętności przywódczych, które pozwolą Ci na dalszy rozwój kariery w międzynarodowym środowisku.
• Co czeka na Ciebie?

  • Odpowiedzialność od pierwszego dnia poprzez samodzielnie realizowane projekty
  • Rotacje w ramach różnych funkcji produkcyjnych w firmie, w tym 2-tygodniowe cienie w obszarze Field Force – zdobędziesz wiedzę na temat praktycznego zastosowania procesów produkcyjnych w różnych działach
  • Możliwość międzynarodowego zadania w zależności od Twoich wyników i potrzeb biznesowych

Nasze wymagania:
• Tytuł licencjata lub magistra w dziedzinie inżynierii produkcji, inżynierii mechanicznej, inżynierii elektrycznej, zarządzania inżynierskiego lub pokrewnych
• Niedawni absolwenci i/lub do 3 lat doświadczenia zawodowego w obszarze produkcji lub pokrewnym
• Pasja do produkcji i chęć rozwoju kariery w tym obszarze
• Silne umiejętności analityczne, podejmowanie decyzji oraz umiejętność pracy w szybkim tempie i pod presją
• Zdolności do pracy w międzynarodowym zespole, zdobyte dzięki doświadczeniom międzynarodowym
• Gotowość do pracy na pełen etat i mobilność krajowa oraz międzynarodowa
• Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego i polskiego (w mowie i piśmie)
• Znajomość pakietu Microsoft Office, w szczególności programu Excel
• Otwartość na naukę i rozwój w międzynarodowym środowisku

Mile widziane:
• Znajomość programu Power BI

To oferujemy:
• Stanowisko menedżerskie po pomyślnym ukończeniu programu
• Mentor wspierający w planowaniu rozwoju zawodowego
• Feedback nastawiony na działanie po każdej rotacji, pomagający zaplanować kolejne kroki kariery
• Szkolenia na najwyższym poziomie w międzynarodowym środowisku, w tym szkolenia w Global BAT Academy
• Praca w zróżnicowanym, międzynarodowym zespole
• Atrakcyjny pakiet benefitów (np. dofinansowanie do sportu, prywatna opieka medyczna)
• Konkurencyjne wynagrodzenie z rocznym bonusem uzależnionym od wyników firmy

Dołącz do naszego Międzynarodowego Programu Menedżerskiego w Dziale Produkcji i rozpocznij swoją karierę w dynamicznym i międzynarodowym środowisku!

What we offer you?
•    We offer a market leading annual performance bonus (subject to eligibility)
•    Our range of benefits varies by country and includes diverse health plans, initiatives for work-life balance, transportation support, and a flexible holiday plan with additional incentives
•    Your journey with us isn't limited by boundaries; it's propelled by your aspirations. Join us at BAT and become a part of an environment that thrives on internal advancement, where your career progression isn't just a statement – it's a reality we're eager to build together. Seize the opportunity and own your development; your next chapter starts here.
•    You'll have access to online learning platforms and personalized growth programs to nurture your leadership skills
•    We prioritise continuous improvement within a transformative environment, preparing for ongoing changes

We’re one of the few companies named as a Global Top Employer by the Top Employers Institute – certified in offering excellent employee conditions.

Collaboration, inclusion and partnership underpin everything we do here at BAT. We are looking forward to enabling every individual to thrive, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, disability, age, skills, experience, education, socio-economic and professional background, veteran status, perspectives and thinking styles. We know that embracing talent from all backgrounds is what makes us stronger and best prepared to meet our business goals.

We see the career breaks as opportunities not obstacles. Through The Global Returners program, we support professionals looking to restart their careers after an extended absence from the workforce (e.g. time out caring for family, parental leave, national service, sabbatical and/or starting an own venture).

Come bring your difference and see what is possible for you at BAT. Learn more about our culture and our award winning employee experience here.

If you require any reasonable adjustments or accommodations to help you perform at your best during the recruitment process, you are encouraged to notify us. We are fully committed to support you by making appropriate arrangements for you to demonstrate your full potential.

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Our Values

At BAT, our values show us the way to bring our purpose to life. Serving as our compass, they navigate every aspect of our path towards A Better Tomorrow™ defining how we innovate, grow, and achieve success while setting high standards for individual achievement and collective progress. Rooted in integrity and collaboration, they empower us as pioneers of change in a world that never stands still ensuring we shape BAT's legacy with confidence and purpose.

We are bat pie chart
  • Truly inclusive
  • Do the right thing
  • Love for our consumer
  • Passion to win
  • Empowered through trust
  • Stronger together
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Possibilities Unlocked

At BAT, we’re committed to more than just jobs, we’re dedicated to purposeful careers.

We believe that everyone has a place in our organisation. Whether you are seeking mentorship, diversifying your experience through international assignments or embracing innovative work methods, we’re here to propel your career aspirations and unleash your full potential.

We believe in you.
Join us at BAT, where purpose meets possibility, and your career story unfolds.

Employee Image

“Through the Global Graduate Programme, I expanded my skills, network, commercial acumen, and people management skills. Successfully managing upward relationships and presenting to senior management, I am able to prioritise, meet deadlines, and consistently deliver quality results.”


At our core, we understand your best work happens when you feel fully supported. Our meticulously
designed reward and benefits package are shaped to acknowledge your contributions and to magnify
your impact. As you grow, so do we.

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Social Wellbeing

Wellbeing is better when it’s shared. Benefits that foster a sense of community and connection among employees. The more time we make to give back and share what it means to live well with the communities around us, the closer we’ll be to them. We encourage positive social interactions inside and outside BAT, enhance collaboration, and create a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and connected.

Emotional Wellbeing

Balancing work and life to help you recharge and stay resilient. Benefits and initiatives that are designed to bolster our employees' mental health. At BAT we're fostering a culture of to help our employees to better manage life’s pressures and build resilience, no matter what life throws your way.

Physical Wellbeing

Good health is the cornerstone that allows everything else in our lives to align. Benefits that support our employees' physical health, expand coverage where needed it and promote healthy lifestyles, reducing stress and boosting overall energy and productivity.

Financial Wellbeing

Peace of mind is priceless, but it shouldn’t cost the earth. Benefits and initiatives designed to assist you in achieving financial stability and security, empowering you to make well informed financial decisions, alleviate financial stress, and enhance your short and long-term prospects.

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