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Manager Imbunatatire Procese Productie

Ploieşti, Romania

Contract Type Fixed Term
Career Level Experienced Professional
Function Operations
Salary Range Competitive salary
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Why Operations? Overview

Why Operations?

We intelligently connect our teams globally enabling thinking beyond conventional boundaries. We share knowledge at an unfathomable pace, facilitate cross-functional collaboration and transform processes to create the world’s best operational network. Our work enables our experts to feel in control of their ability to explore New Categories, acquire fresh expertise and accelerate the rate at which they can deliver results.

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Why BAT?

At BAT, we’re committed to more than just jobs, we’re dedicated to purposeful careers - It's one of the many reasons we have been named as a Global Top Employer for the eighth consecutive year.

We believe that Leadership shouldn’t be confined to titles. It’s a mindset and through our leading Learning and Development programmes, you’ll continuously develop your skills and experience. With our unwavering support, you’ll work in cross functional teams connecting with industry leaders and expanding your professional network.

Join us at BAT, where purpose meets possibility, and your career story unfolds.

A Better Tomorrow

Building a Smokeless World is no small feat—it’s fueled by the collective efforts of talented individuals, each bringing their unique perspective. This is the most innovative chapter in BAT’s history, and you can help shape it.

Strategy and Purpose Brand and Innovation

Manager Imbunatatire Procese Productie

BAT evoluează accelerat la nivel global cu un portofoliu extins de produse. Cu concepte precum VELO, VUSE și GLO ne asumăm misiunea de a reduce impactul industriei noastre asupra sănătății.

Pentru a ne atinge misiunea, căutăm colegi care sunt pregătiți să fie parte din schimbare. Alătură-te nouă în această călătorie!

British American Tobacco Romania angajează Manager Imbunatatire Procese Productie(Maternity Cover).

Scop:Optimizeaza indicatorii de performanta ai departamentului Productie prin imbunatatirea continua a procesului și analizeaza comportamentul procesului, in mod special imbunatatirea indicatorilor de performanta legati de reducerea deșeurilor.

Principalele tale responsabilțăti vor include:


  • Identifica zonele de oportunitate si de imbunatatire a proceselor, sustinand toate zonele de productie in proiecte de imbunatatire continua – concentrandu-se pe imbunatatirea indicatorilor de performanta legati de reducerea deseurilor;
  • Analizeaza datele de productie cu scopul de a identifica variatia indicatorilor;
  • Efectueaza lunar analiza detaliata de pierderi tutun si materiale de impachetare (Leaf and WMS Waste Loss Tree) pentru fabrica;
  • Acorda suport echipelor de productie in analiza structurata a cauzelor radacina (cantitati mari de deseuri din rejectii);
  • Transmite valorile indicatorilor de performanta pentru echipele de productie si management.


  • Contribuie si participa la dezvoltarea si coordonarea initiativelor necesare pentru atingerea obiectivelor generale de afaceri;
  • Implementeaza, comunica si gestioneaza specificatiile si obiectivele optimizate ale procesului pentru a atinge obiectivele de calitate validate ale departamentului Productie si eficienta optima a procesului;
  • Coopereaza strans cu departamentul de Productie in ceea ce priveste procesele pentru a obtine imbunatatiri ale performantei si calitatii produselor;

Ce căutăm?

  • Cunostinte solide despre procesele de productie (inclusiv lansarea de produse noi (NPI) si asigurarea calitatii);
  • Expertiza in gestionarea pierderilor (Scrap Factor Impact), analiza pierderilor de materiale si calculul acestora (Waste BI);
  • Experienta in utilizarea sistemelor integrate de lucru( IWS) si SAP.
  • Capacitatea de luare a deciziilor, abilitati analitice si de comunicare.
  • Persoana inovativa orientate spre rezultate.
  • Abilitatea de a construi si a conduce echipe fara linii de raportare directa.
  • Cunostinte avansate Microsoft Excel
  • Fluent in engleza;

Ce îți oferim?

  • Tichete de masa.
  • Tichete de vacanta.
  • Transport: asigurat de companie pe rutele din interiorul municipiului Ploiesti si decontat pentru cei ce locuiesc in afara orasului.
  • Bonus anual.
  • Bonusuri de Paste si de Craciun.
  • Servicii medicale private pentru angajat si 3 dependenti.
  • Plan Pensie privata - Pilonul III.
  • Abonament 7card pentru activitati sportive.


Suntem una dintre puținele companii certificate ca Global Top Employer de către Top Employers Institute – pentru oferirea unor condiții excelente angajaților.

Colaborarea, incluziunea și parteneriatul stau la baza a tot ceea ce facem aici la BAT. Ne dorim ca fiecarei persoană să prospere, indiferent de gen, orientare, statut matrimonial sau de parteneriat civil, schimbare de gen, rasă, religie sau credință, culoare, naționalitate, origine etnică sau naționalitate, dizabilitate, vârstă, abilități, experiență, educație, mediu socio-economic și profesional, statut de veteran, perspective și stiluri de gândire. Știm că încurajarea talentelor din toate mediile este ceea ce ne face mai puternici și mai bine pregătiți pentru a ne îndeplini misiunea.

Vedem pauzele de carieră ca oportunități, nu ca obstacole. Prin programul Global Returners, sprijinim profesioniștii care doresc să-și reia cariera după o absență prelungită din câmpul muncii (de exemplu, timpul dedicat îngrijirii familiei, concediu parental, serviciu militar, an sabatic și / sau începerea unei afaceri proprii).

Vino alături de noi și descoperă ce este posibil pentru tine la BAT. Află mai multe despre cultura noastră organizațională, premiile și certificările obținute ca angajator aici

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Our Values

At BAT, our values show us the way to bring our purpose to life. Serving as our compass, they navigate every aspect of our path towards A Better Tomorrow™ defining how we innovate, grow, and achieve success while setting high standards for individual achievement and collective progress. Rooted in integrity and collaboration, they empower us as pioneers of change in a world that never stands still ensuring we shape BAT's legacy with confidence and purpose.

We are bat pie chart
  • Truly inclusive
  • Do the right thing
  • Love for our consumer
  • Passion to win
  • Empowered through trust
  • Stronger together
Section 15 Placeholder Image

Take Control of Your Future with BAT

At BAT, we’re committed to more than just jobs, we’re dedicated to purposeful careers.

We believe that everyone has a place in our organisation. Whether you are seeking mentorship, diversifying your experience through international assignments or embracing innovative work methods, we’re here to propel your career aspirations and unleash your full potential.

We believe in you.
Join us at BAT, where purpose meets possibility, and your career story unfolds.

Employee Image

“One of my job responsibilities is leading initiatives that develop new capabilities for our operations team. In our Nairobi factory, we’re devoted to closing gaps and reducing losses that might happen in manufacturing processes and improving operational results.”


At our core, we understand your best work happens when you feel fully supported. Our meticulously
designed reward and benefits package are shaped to acknowledge your contributions and to magnify
your impact. As you grow, so do we.

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Social Wellbeing

Wellbeing is better when it’s shared. Benefits that foster a sense of community and connection among employees. The more time we make to give back and share what it means to live well with the communities around us, the closer we’ll be to them. We encourage positive social interactions inside and outside BAT, enhance collaboration, and create a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and connected.

Emotional Wellbeing

Balancing work and life to help you recharge and stay resilient. Benefits and initiatives that are designed to bolster our employees' mental health. At BAT we're fostering a culture of to help our employees to better manage life’s pressures and build resilience, no matter what life throws your way.

Physical Wellbeing

Good health is the cornerstone that allows everything else in our lives to align. Benefits that support our employees' physical health, expand coverage where needed it and promote healthy lifestyles, reducing stress and boosting overall energy and productivity.

Financial Wellbeing

Peace of mind is priceless, but it shouldn’t cost the earth. Benefits and initiatives designed to assist you in achieving financial stability and security, empowering you to make well informed financial decisions, alleviate financial stress, and enhance your short and long-term prospects.

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