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Agent Distributie (Logistic Representative Bucuresti)

Bucharest, Romania

Contract Type Fixed Term
Career Level Non-management
Function Marketing
Salary Range Competitive salary
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Why Marketing? Overview

Why Marketing?

We are impactful storytellers who push boundaries and find innovative ways to connect and interact with our customers. We sell our brands in more than 150 markets worldwide, many of which are strictly regulated. At the same time, the rise of Smokeless Products means we're operating in a rapidly shifting landscape and its these factors that present the type of challenges we thrive on. We use emerging technologies and complex data to drive innovation. From brand and strategy through e-commerce to trade marketing.

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Why BAT?

At BAT, we’re committed to more than just jobs, we’re dedicated to purposeful careers - It's one of the many reasons we have been named as a Global Top Employer for the eighth consecutive year.

We believe that Leadership shouldn’t be confined to titles. It’s a mindset and through our leading Learning and Development programmes, you’ll continuously develop your skills and experience. With our unwavering support, you’ll work in cross functional teams connecting with industry leaders and expanding your professional network.

Join us at BAT, where purpose meets possibility, and your career story unfolds.

A Better Tomorrow

Building a Smokeless World is no small feat—it’s fueled by the collective efforts of talented individuals, each bringing their unique perspective. This is the most innovative chapter in BAT’s history, and you can help shape it.

Strategy and Purpose Brand and Innovation

Agent Distributie (Logistic Representative Bucuresti)

BAT evoluează continuu – ca nicio altă organizație.

Pentru a ne îndeplini misiunea asumată, căutăm colegi care împărtășesc aceleași valori ca noi. Te așteptăm alături de noi în călătoria noastră de transformare!

FUNCTIUNE: Marketing - Supply Chain

GRILA SALARIALA: Salariu competitiv/remuneratie


TIPUL JOBULUI: Perioada determinata – 6 luni

British American Tobacco Romania are în prezent o oportunitate pentru un rol de Logistic Representative Bucuresti.

Obiectivul acestui rol: atributii de gestiune pentru produsele si bunurile BAT si casier/atributii de incasare si predare a banilor si documentelor de plata de la clienti, printr-o productivitate maxima pe fiecare ruta, in concordanta cu politicile distributie ale BAT si la un nivel inalt de satisfacere a cerintelor clientilor.

Candidatul ideal ar trebui sa aiba urmatoarele abilitati si cunostinte:

  • Permis de conducere categoria B cu vechime minimum doi ani;
  • Minim studii medii (diploma de bacalaureat)
  • Abilitati de comunicare, negociere;
  • Spirit de organizare;
  • Spirit de echipa;
  • Orientarea spre nevoile clienților;
  • Onestitate si etica;
  • Fara antecedente penale;

Cum va arata activitatea ta in cadrul departamentului de logistica BAT - Romania:

  • Vei avea un teritoriu alocat si principalele activitati vor fi de: vizitare clienti/livrare produse/retururi, incasare si mercantizare in magazine cu scopul atingerii obiectivelor propuse.
  • Vei fi responsabil sa gestionezi corect marfa si banii incasati de la clientii BAT in conformitate cu legile in vigoare si cu politicile companiei; respectand rutele zilnice stabilite de seful ierarhnic si/sau departamentul de Logistica
  • Vei ridica si preda la timp retururile de produse de la clienti
  • Vei completa actele si documentele de plata, in conformitate cu reglementarile legale (vei tipări documentele de livrare, incasa bani si ii vei depune la sfarsitul fiecarei zile conform informarilor primite de la managementul companiei, pe baza unui raport de incasari)
  • Vei raspunde de stocul de marfa incarcat in masina, atat cantitativ cat si valoric (banii incasati de la clientii BAT si documentele de plata primite)
  • Vei mentine, vei actualiza si vei introduce in sistem cu maxima acuratete informatiile aferente sarcinilor tale.
  • Vei conduce masina de companie in conformitate cu politicile companiei si legislatia in vigoare.
  • Vei respecta procedurile de siguranta si securitate; vei folosi in timpul programului de lucru echipamentele de securitate din dotare: blocare usi, alarma, lacat, lant usa laterala, buton panica si autentificare deschidere usi
  • Vei efectua activitatile ciclice de mercantizare (de ex. schimbat filme de comunicare, schimbat planograme, schimbari de preturi etc) in conformitate cu instructiunile primite

In BAT, ne straduim sa cream un mediu de lucru care sa ofere nu doar o cariera de succes, ci si un pachet de beneficii atractive. Iata cateva dintre avantajele pe care le oferim:

  • Bonus lunar in baza performantei
  • Prima de vacanta
  • Bonus anual
  • Bonuri de masa
  • Asigurare de viata
  • Asigurare de sanatate
  • Abonament medical la o clinica privata
  • Voucher pentru activitati sportive


La BAT suntem dedicați scopului nostru de a crea un viitor mai bun – A Better Tomorrow™. Este obiectivul care ne motivează și care susține pasiunea noastră pentru inovație. Descoperă oportunitățile oferite de BAT.

  • Angajator de Top la nivel global, cu peste 50.000 de angajați în 175 de piețe
  • Branduri comercializate în peste 200 de țări, fabricate în 44 de fabrici din 42 de țări
  • Capabilități de inovare în noile noastre Centre Technologice dezvoltate în 4 locații strategice
  • Câștigător al premiilor “Lider în Diversitate” din partea Financial Times și “International Women’s Day Best Practice”
  • Câștigător al premiului “Seal Award” – una dintre cele mai sustenabile 50 de companii


Colaborarea, diversitatea și munca în echipă stau la baza a tot ceea ce facem aici, la BAT. Prin colaborarea cu colegi din medii diferite devenim mai puternici și mai bine pregătiți pentru a ne îndeplini obiectivele de afaceri. Te așteptăm în echipă să facem diferența împreună!

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Our Values

At BAT, our values show us the way to bring our purpose to life. Serving as our compass, they navigate every aspect of our path towards A Better Tomorrow™ defining how we innovate, grow, and achieve success while setting high standards for individual achievement and collective progress. Rooted in integrity and collaboration, they empower us as pioneers of change in a world that never stands still ensuring we shape BAT's legacy with confidence and purpose.

We are bat pie chart
  • Truly inclusive
  • Do the right thing
  • Love for our consumer
  • Passion to win
  • Empowered through trust
  • Stronger together
Section 15 Placeholder Image

Take Control of Your Future with BAT

At BAT, we’re committed to more than just jobs, we’re dedicated to purposeful careers.

We believe that everyone has a place in our organisation. Whether you are seeking mentorship, diversifying your experience through international assignments or embracing innovative work methods, we’re here to propel your career aspirations and unleash your full potential.

We believe in you.
Join us at BAT, where purpose meets possibility, and your career story unfolds.

Employee Image

“A fast pace and an international environment are what I love about working here. You get the chance to rotate within functions - and I've brought my passion for sustainability to the Brand Building and Management department”


At our core, we understand your best work happens when you feel fully supported. Our meticulously
designed reward and benefits package are shaped to acknowledge your contributions and to magnify
your impact. As you grow, so do we.

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Social Wellbeing

Wellbeing is better when it’s shared. Benefits that foster a sense of community and connection among employees. The more time we make to give back and share what it means to live well with the communities around us, the closer we’ll be to them. We encourage positive social interactions inside and outside BAT, enhance collaboration, and create a supportive work environment where employees feel valued and connected.

Emotional Wellbeing

Balancing work and life to help you recharge and stay resilient. Benefits and initiatives that are designed to bolster our employees' mental health. At BAT we're fostering a culture of to help our employees to better manage life’s pressures and build resilience, no matter what life throws your way.

Physical Wellbeing

Good health is the cornerstone that allows everything else in our lives to align. Benefits that support our employees' physical health, expand coverage where needed it and promote healthy lifestyles, reducing stress and boosting overall energy and productivity.

Financial Wellbeing

Peace of mind is priceless, but it shouldn’t cost the earth. Benefits and initiatives designed to assist you in achieving financial stability and security, empowering you to make well informed financial decisions, alleviate financial stress, and enhance your short and long-term prospects.

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